Bonnaroo 2017

This was an amazing year for Bonnaroo. Not only was the line-up great, but the weather gods were smiling and all the days were cool except Sunday.  I could certainly live with that. 

You go to Bonnaroo for the music, but really, it's more about the people. Any festival could have the greatest line-up in the world and it would suck if the people sucked. You spend a lot of time with your fellow concert goers and they are just as important as anyone on stage.

New: The Other Tent was made exclusive EDM. I think it worked well.

DJ Mel

A "beach" Oasis.

Best meal: BBQ Brisket topped mac & cheese!

A few of the notable shows: U2

Cage the Elephant

Tank and the Bangas


Flint Eastwood

Until next year!!